Pastor Bill’s Babbling Brook
Weekly Edition of Church News & Notes: 1.17.2024
Our School Time Bible Ministry Began On Friday
Ten fifth graders from Springdale Elementary have signed up to come to our church once a week over the next two months to learn about God and the Bible. Mrs. Anne Shaw will be their instructor and we will provide a delicious lunch. Please pray that each child will be drawn closer to the Lord. We also hope that if any of the kids and their parents do not have a church home that they would give us a try. School Time Bible Ministry is in every school in Lexington 2 district and in several schools in Lexington 1. We are grateful for their vision and pray that they will continue to make a difference.
Top Nazarene Talent Competition For Teens: Next Friday & Saturday
Our theme for our church for this year is “Gifts: From God For God”. Our teens have an opportunity to use their talents and abilities for God’s glory at the talent competition at Midland Valley next weekend. The categories are Arts, Academics, Music, Sports and Ministries. There is something for everyone. If you have a teen, please encourage them to participate. The registration form that can be found at and it needs to be turned in this Sunday. If you have questions, give the pastor a call or text.
Our Hispanic Service Moves To 1 PM
Pastor Ulises Garcia and his group have been worshiping in our Youth building since March of last year. Recently after much prayer and consideration, they felt like they might be able to reach more of their friends and family members if they met at 1 PM in our sanctuary. Join me in praying that this change might lead to more people coming to know Christ. If you know of anyone who would be more comfortable in a Spanish speaking service, please let them know about Pastor Garcia and this group.
Brotherhood & Sisterhood Breakfast: Tuesday, January 28
The Early Church often would break bread together that encouraged them in their walk with God. We are following their example with our monthly breakfast at the Lizard’s Thicket Restaurant in Oak Grove. We gather on the last Tuesday of each month at 9 AM. We have wonderful discussions and we end our time together in prayer. Please consider joining us.
Blue Ocean Seafood Trip: Saturday, February 8th
Our Senior Adults (the over 50 crowd) will head up to Clinton, SC to enjoy some delicious seafood entrees. We will take our spacious church van and other cars if needed. James and Cat Elks do a wonderful job organizing these trips. If you have any questions, please see this fine couple. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer at the sanctuary.
Wednesday Nights are Growing
Wednesday nights are full of excitement at WCFN.
Our children’s bible groups are growing each week.
We couldn’t be happier!
But, we could use a few helpers that love children.
If you would like to be a part of influencing a child’s life, please talk to Regina.
It’s a wonderful experience and, of course, our kids are the best!
Food Pantry Drive
Our monthly food pantry has grown to provide nourishment for
around 30-35 families. While we are grateful for everyone who is
bringing in goods, we realize there might be some who would like
to sponsor a family each month. The estimated cost
of the couple of bags of groceries is $30. We’d love to get 30 donors! Please let
Anne Shaw know if this might be your way of assisting this
important program and pick up a magnet in the foyer.
Worship Opportunities this week:
Sunday Life Groups at 10 & Worship at 11
Worship in Spanish (In Youth Building) at 11 AM
Sunday Afternoon Parking Lot Praise Service at 4 PM
Choir Practice at 5
Wednesday Youth & Teens at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Men's Bible Study at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Ladies Bible Study at the Church or on Zoom at 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study at 6:30 PM
Encouraged By People’s Giving
People have been giving to the Lord and the church. We can’t tell you how much this means to us. There are five ways one can give. We have resumed Sunday morning worship services at 11 am at the church so you may bring your offerings with you. Many like to use the church’s secure website ( to give their tithes and offerings. A few might like to text their gift to 803-219-4288. While others will mail it to the church at 350 Wattling Rd, West Columbia SC 29170. If you would like me to pick it up or if you would like to drop it off at the church, please just call me to set up a time. Again thank you for your faithfulness.
Letter From Pastor Bill
Hello Friends,
I hope this email finds you well. We are looking forward to another wonderful worship experience this Sunday. Our church has been busy this week reaching out to our community with our Wednesday night Bible Studies and our School Time Bible Ministry. Thank you for your prayers for our people. Here is our list: Curtis Martin, Terry Hook, Hope Addison, Don Freeman, Brenda Yon and her daughter all battling cancer; Ray Brazier, Linda Dent, Doug and Pam Yandle, Mike and Joyce Yarbrough, Betty Hare, Alma Hendricks and our shut-ins. We are grateful that Lamar Self, Rachael Watts, Keith Richbourg and Misty Aguilar had successful surgeries. Becky Drafts' sister passed away. May God comfort her family. Thank you for being part of our church.
God Bless,
Pastor Bill