Pastor Bill’s Babbling Brook
Weekly Edition of Church News & Notes: 7.19.2024

Steven Clark: From Convict To Convert
Next Sunday (July 28) will be a special time together as Steven Clark shares his testimony of God’s grace and forgiveness. Steven was convicted of a heinous crime over 30 years ago. Many people probably wrote him off as unredeemable. But God never gave up on Steven. Through a series of events in prison, he came to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Then God made a way for Steven to be released from the penitentiary. Now he is telling his story of redemption. God’s grace can reach the worst of sinners. Please join us for this special Sunday.

Peach Fest Picnic For The Over 50 Crowd Following Morning Worship
Our senior adults had a fabulous time at the Strawberry Hill Cafe on Thursday. We enjoyed a delicious meal and then we bought some juicy peaches and other vegetables from their stand. On Sunday, our over 50 group will gather to enjoy some peachy food items. We would love for all of our senior adults to join us. If you have any questions, give Cat Elks a call at 803-960-2974.

Teen Bible Quizzing Starts Back
Last year, our quiz team came in a strong third place. Only Summerville and Aiken finished ahead of our group. They were led by Jacob Lowrimore and Janyah Weed who both made the district team. Kristi Harmon will again be our coach. They are having morning practices on Friday before beginning the Sunday practices. If your 6th-12 grader would like to join the group, give Kristi a text at 803-530-0090.

All Day Lock-In For Kids - Saturday, July 20 From 11-7
Often our children wish Wednesday night activities could go on longer and tomorrow they will. Brittany Johnson and her helpers are planning a full day of games and fun. The kids will need to bring a bathing suit, towel, sunscreen and a change of clothes. If you would like to assist in this event, please give Brittany a call or text at 803-543-5917.

A New (For Us) Van Purchased
With our seniors going on so many trips, our church board felt it was time to buy a shuttle bus that would make it easier for people to get in and out of the van. James Elks found a 2011 Ford 15 passenger vehicle that also has a wheelchair lift. It also only had 54,000 miles. Thank you for your faithful giving that allows us to make such improvements.

Braves Trip On Wednesday
A group of teens and adults will travel to Atlanta to watch the Braves take on the Cincinnati Reds. We will leave the church at 8:30 AM. See the pastor if you are interested in going.


Wednesday Nights are Growing
Wednesday nights are full of excitement at WCFN.
Our children’s bible groups are growing each week.
We couldn’t be happier!
But, we could use a few helpers that love children.
If you would like to be a part of influencing a child’s life, please talk to Regina.
It’s a wonderful experience and, of course, our kids are the best!​​​​​​​

Food Pantry Drive
Our monthly food pantry has grown to provide nourishment for
around 30-35 families. While we are grateful for everyone who is
bringing in goods, we realize there might be some who would like
to sponsor a family each month. The estimated cost
of the couple of bags of groceries is $30. We’d love to get 30 donors! Please let
Anne Shaw know if this might be your way of assisting this
important program and pick up a magnet in the foyer.​​​​​​

Worship Opportunities this week:
Sunday Life Groups at 10 & Worship at 11
Sunday Afternoon Parking Lot Praise Service at 4 PM
Choir Practice at 5
Wednesday Youth & Teens at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Men's Bible Study at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Ladies Bible Study at the Church or on Zoom at 6:30​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ PM
Adult Bible Study at 6:30 PM

Encouraged By People’s Giving​​​​​​​
People have been giving to the Lord and the church. We can’t tell you how much this means to us. There are five ways one can give. We have resumed Sunday morning worship services at 11 am at the church so you may bring your offerings with you. Many like to use the church’s secure website (wcfn316.com) to give their tithes and offerings. A few might like to text their gift to 803-219-4288. While others will mail it to the church at 350 Wattling Rd, West Columbia SC 29170. If you would like me to pick it up or if you would like to drop it off at the church, please just call me to set up a time. Again thank you for your faithfulness.

Letter From Pastor Bill

Hello Friends,

What a fun week I just had! It began on Monday with District Assembly where I heard about how the Nazarene church was growing around the world. Then on Tuesday, MG and I picked up our new van in Fountains Inn. On Thursday, I went with the senior adults to Strawberry Hill in Inman. It has been good. Hope you had a good week as well. This weekend should be fun as well with the kids' day activities on Saturday and church on Sunday. As far as prayer requests, please remember Bert Moody's sister's family (Sybil Griffin) who passed away on Friday. Also continue to remember Terry Hook, Tina Joye, Hope Addison, Brenda Yon, Bobby and Marie Mahaffey, Ray Brazier, Sr., Sandy Harmon, Jackson Lowrimore, Becky Drafts, Don Freeman, Nancy Hall and all of our shut-ins. Thanks for being part of our church family.

God Bless,

Pastor Bill