Pastor Bill’s Babbling Brook
Weekly Edition of Church News & Notes: 1.10.2024
Baptismal Service: This Sunday at 11 AM
If you are a Christian, God wants you to make a public proclamation of your faith in Jesus through the sacrament of baptism. This was a huge moment for the early church believers. When they took this courageous step, it was possible that their family might disown them, and the authorities would take notice. Fortunately for us, this cost is not that significant, but God uses this special event to do something spiritual inside of us. Watching people get baptized is always an encouragement to the church. It reminds us how the Lord is working among us. Please give Pastor Bill a call or text at 803-530-1565 if you are interested in being baptized.
Preston & AG Bayne’s Baby Shower: This Saturday At 1 PM
Due to the weather, we had to move the time for the shower. It was originally scheduled for noon but now will begin at 1 PM. Preston grew up in our church and for a summer worked with our teens as our youth pastor. Anna Grace is such a delight to be around, and these two are a blessing. We are thankful that God has blessed them with this precious baby. They are registered at op_res_1. Thank you for taking this opportunity to celebrate with this wonderful young couple. God has been extremely good to our church!
Our Hispanic Service Moves To 1 PM
Pastor Ulises Garcia and his group have been worshiping in our Youth building since March of last year. Recently after much prayer and consideration, they felt like they might be able to reach more of their friends and family members if they met at 1 PM in our sanctuary. Join me in praying that this change might lead to more people coming to know Christ. If you know of anyone who would be more comfortable in a Spanish speaking service, please let them know about Pastor Garcia and this group.
Top Nazarene Talent Competition: Friday-Saturday, January 24-25
Our teens are encouraged to use their gifts for God’s glory at our annual youth competition at Midland Valley. Our kids can choose to enter a piece of art, sing a song, play an instrument, preach a sermon, or compete in a variety of sports including pickleball. The cost for the weekend is $45- including Saturday’s breakfast and lunch. We will leave the church at 5:30 on Friday, January 24 and return around 6 PM on Saturday. Registration is due by Sunday, January 19.
Wednesday Nights are Growing
Wednesday nights are full of excitement at WCFN.
Our children’s bible groups are growing each week.
We couldn’t be happier!
But, we could use a few helpers that love children.
If you would like to be a part of influencing a child’s life, please talk to Regina.
It’s a wonderful experience and, of course, our kids are the best!
Food Pantry Drive
Our monthly food pantry has grown to provide nourishment for
around 30-35 families. While we are grateful for everyone who is
bringing in goods, we realize there might be some who would like
to sponsor a family each month. The estimated cost
of the couple of bags of groceries is $30. We’d love to get 30 donors! Please let
Anne Shaw know if this might be your way of assisting this
important program and pick up a magnet in the foyer.
Worship Opportunities this week:
Sunday Life Groups at 10 & Worship at 11
Worship in Spanish (In Youth Building) at 11 AM
Sunday Afternoon Parking Lot Praise Service at 4 PM
Choir Practice at 5
Wednesday Youth & Teens at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Men's Bible Study at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Ladies Bible Study at the Church or on Zoom at 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study at 6:30 PM
Encouraged By People’s Giving
People have been giving to the Lord and the church. We can’t tell you how much this means to us. There are five ways one can give. We have resumed Sunday morning worship services at 11 am at the church so you may bring your offerings with you. Many like to use the church’s secure website ( to give their tithes and offerings. A few might like to text their gift to 803-219-4288. While others will mail it to the church at 350 Wattling Rd, West Columbia SC 29170. If you would like me to pick it up or if you would like to drop it off at the church, please just call me to set up a time. Again thank you for your faithfulness.
Letter From Pastor Bill
Hello Friends,
Hope you are safe and warm as this cold front passes through. I am thankful that it is supposed to be gone by Saturday morning. Preston and AG Bayne's baby shower has been moved from noon to 1 PM on Saturday. I hope you will join us. As far as prayer requests, please lift up Curtis Martin, Don Freeman, Terry Hook, Hope Addison, Brenda Yon and her daughter, Ray Brazier, Mike Mahaffey, Marjorie Martin, Janice Lewis, Alma Hendricks, Joyce Yarbrough, Linda Dent and all of our shut-ins. Thank you for your prayers.
God Bless,
Pastor Bill