Thank you, South Carolina Nazarenes! March 25,2021
I just returned home from Columbia where we loaded up the baby Items that you donated for Appalachia Reach Out in Nicholas County, West Virginia. Before I forget, thanks for our mission area coordinators, our pastors, and our local NMI Presidents who made sure the items arrived at West Columbia Central Special thanks to Pastor LIbby Newman who coordinated the gathering effort and to Libby, Grip Lawson, Perry Hobgood and Roxy Snodgrass who helped load it up.
I went to Columbia with a pickup truck that I intended to load with the items you donated. After a prayer by Perry Hobgood for God to bless not only each item, but also that He would bless every person who received these gifts of love, I headed home not only with an overflowing pick up, but also with a jam-packed U-Haul trailer that we had to hurry across the street to rent!
On a personal note: After stopping at my home church (SumNaz!) to gather even more items, I did a little rearranging to get everything ready for the 470 mile trip to West Virginia at the end of the week. I had tears in my eyes as I moved boxes and bags filled with brand new baby items carefully and prayerfully purchased. Do you know what item was the most prevalent in that truck and trailer? You guessed it! The Love of Christ! "What thanksgiving can we return to God for you, for all the joy we feel for your sake before our God?" (1 Thessalonians 3.9)
How proud I am of my new friends in South Carolina! Thank you for the privilege of serving the Lord with you.
Scott Wade
Work and Witness Coordinator
Service with Reconciliation Ministries and their testimonies and song worship